General Information About the Born Power Index
The Born Power Index is an ever changing mathematical
evaluation of a team's relative strength against similar competition i.e. a
team indexed at 60.0 has been consistently 10 points per game stronger than a
team indexed at 50.0 leaning more heavily toward most recent encounters.
The index includes a blowout factor that rewards teams for doing well against
stronger opponents and discourages running up the score against weaker teams.
This site has many features to allow the users to customize their searches to
get the most out of the data that is available. The available data is the
Conference Name and Number, Classification Name and Number, Rating,
Rank, and Report Card.
For an explaination of the searches and how to use them, click
Definitions and Aliases
- School Name:
often referred to as Team Name or Team. This is the name of the
school, and it is returned with every search.
- Conference:
Each school belongs to a Conference. Conferences are the
league affiliations of each school.
- Conference Name:
often referred to as Conf Name. This is the name of the
conference that the school belongs to. Each school belongs to
only one conference. The conference
name can be returned by checking the box next to 'Conf Name' on the
search page.
- Conference Number:
often referred to as Conf No or Conf Number. Each conference
name is given a conference number for identification purposes.
The conference
number can be returned by checking the box next to 'Conf No' on the
search page.
- Classification:
Each school has a classification. The classification is where the
states place the high schools for state championship competition.
This is done according to school population.
NJ places them in geographical sections ie. North section one-group 2.
Group 2 is size of school.
PA places them in districts ie. District 6 AA - District is
geographical AA is size of school.
- Classification Name:
often referred to as Class Name. This is the classification that
the school is listed under. Each school belongs to only one
classification. The classification
name can be returned by checking the box next to 'Class Name' on the
search page.
- Classification Number:
often referred to as Class No. Each classification is given a
classification number for identification purposes. The classification
number can be returned by checking the box next to 'Class No' on the
search page.
- Rating:
gives each team's relative strength as described above.
Each team has only one rating and it changes with each update to
the respective section. The rating is returned with every search.
- Rank:
gives the team's rank for that section according the the BPI. For
example, the team with the highest rating is ranked number 1. The
rank can be returned from any search by checking the box next to
'Rank' on the search page.
- Report Card:
a way of tracking the team's progress throughout the season. The
report card value is the percent change from the team's rating at the
beginning of the season. For example, if a team had a rating of 50
at the beginning of the season, and it has a rating of 75 after the
third week of the season (technically after the third update of the
season), the report card for week 3 will be 50 because the team has
increased its rating by 50% from the beginning of the year. Likewise,
if its rating is 25 after week 3, its report card will be -50 because
its rating is has decreased 50% since the beginning of the year.
Consequently, the teams with the highest ratings will generally have
low report cards! You can have the most recent report card entry
returned by checking the 'Report Card' box at the top of the search,
or you can search for the history of a team's report card by using the
Report Card search's last search option.
- Section:
the section is defined as the state (or college) and sport for
which the context applies to.
- Projection:
the projected relative strength of two teams. This is not stored in the
database, but it is calculated when requested.
- Fields:
you can select as many fields to return as you desire by checking
the box next to it
- Ambiguity:
on pages that have optional searches (eg. search a range or a
percentage) and you provide sufficient information for more than one
option (eg. you select a range and fill out the necessary information
for the percentage search) it will perform the search nearest the
bottom of the page that it has sufficient information for (eg. in the
current example, it would return the percentage search results). If
there is not sufficient information for an option, it will start at
the bottom of the page and work its way up until it finds sufficient
information for a search.
- Scope:
The search only searches the section you are in. For example if you
clicked the link to a search from New Jersey Football, it will only
return data that is listed for New Jersey Football.
Disclaimer: The Born Power Index places no guarantee on the availability or
accuracy of the data on this site. This site is for informational purposes
only, and the Born Power Index takes no responsibility for any loss, injury
or damage of persons or property due to the use of this site or the content
William Born, Founder/Owner
Site Created and Managed by Custom Web Design
John Heinz and
Zachary Hanson-Hart, Webmasters